Penkhull (Staffordshire)

Flag Type:  Village Flag
Flag Date:  7th July 2018
Flag Designer:  People of Penkhull with Philip Tibbetts and Graham Bartram
Adoption Route:  Popular Vote
UK Design Code:  UNKG7540
Aspect Ratio:  3:5
Pantone® Colours:  Green 355, Yellow 109, Blue 286
Certification:  Flag Institute Chief Vexillologist, Graham Bartram

The Penkhull Flag is a community flag proclaiming the unique identity of this district of the City of Stoke-on-Trent (Staffordshire).

Penkull is a hilltop village and conservation area within the city boundaries, with strong links to the Spode family.

Josiah Spode I lived in Penkhull, close to his famous Spode pottery works, while his son Josiah II developed the village as a dormitory suburb.

The Penkhull Flag features a golden saltire nowy charged with a blue oval bearing a golden rooster.

The green field evokes the rural nature of the village.

The saltire recalls the crossroads at its heart, while the blue central oval represents classic Spode tableware.

Meanwhile the rooster draws on the weather vane of St Thomas’s Church – a commonly used emblem in the village.

This winning design was chosen by popular vote, achieving just over 35 per cent of the poll, and flew for the first time as part of the Penkhull Mysteries event.