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West Riding Day: Anniversary of Battle of Towton, 1461
West Riding Day: Anniversary of Battle of Towton, 1461
Mar 29 all-day
West Riding Day: Anniversary of Battle of Towton, 1461
West Riding Day marks the anniversary of the battle of Towton (1461), reputedly the largest and bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil. The Yorkist forces defeated the Lancastians, leading to a change of royal[...]
Cheshire Day: Confirmation of Charter of Liberties, 1300
Cheshire Day: Confirmation of Charter of Liberties, 1300
Mar 30 all-day
Cheshire Day: Confirmation of Charter of Liberties, 1300
The first Cheshire Day took place in 2021. It commemorates the date when King Edward I, who was also Earl of Chester, reconfirmed a charter of liberties for the county.
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