Black Country

Flag Type:  Regional Flag
Flag Date:  14th July 2012
Flag Designer:  Gracie Sheppard of Redhill School, Stourbridge
Adoption Route:  Popular Vote
UK Design Code:  UNKG7425
Aspect Ratio:  3:5
Pantone® Colours:  Black, White, Red 186
Certification:  Flag Institute Chief Vexillologist, Graham Bartram

The Black Country Flag is a community flag proclaiming the unique identity of this distinctive area of the West Midlands.

The colours of red, black and white recall American author Elihu Burritt’s famous description of the Black Country.

Burritt (1810—79) wrote that it was ‘black by day and red by night’, owing to the smoke and fires of industry.

The central white triangle recalls the iconic glass cones and iron furnaces that once peppered the local landscape.

And the design also features a chain to represents the area’s manufacturing heritage.

The Black Country Living Museum organised the competition that chose this flag.